''Lunar Jim'' is an animated preschool-oriented stop-motion television show produced in Canada by Halifax Film and Alliance Atlantis, and aired in the USA as well on Discovery Channel and V-Me from 2003-2012. The show is based on an original concept created by Alexander Bar. Season 1 was Executive Produced by Jeff Rosen. It was script-edited in Season one by Peter Sauder. Season two was helmed by award-winning veteran producer/writer Jed MacKay. Ben Zelkowicz provided the voice of Jim. Jim and his team; Rover the Robot Dog, Ripple the Super Space Mechanic, Eco the Farmer, and TED, the Technical Equipment Device, live on Blue Moon L22, the second-to-last moon on the edge of the Milky Way. Focusing on exploration and inquiry, Lunar Jim intends to promote such life skills as problem-solving, persistence, creativity, and cooperation, with an emphasis on "pre-science skills". His rallying cry is "Let's get lunar!" ==Main characters== * Jim (voiced by Ben Zelkowicz) is the main character in the series. He is an adventure and mystery loving guy. He is a very curious character, which should inspire children to follow his example by asking questions and actively seeking their answers. * Rover (voiced by Robert Tinkler, then Michael Cera) is a robot dog and is always by Jim's side. Rover loves to play fetch and is always helping Jim on his lunar missions. He speaks in beeps, and only Jim and TED are able to understand him. * Ripple (voiced by Joanne Vannicola) is the engineer on the moon. She is always coming up with new inventions to help Jim and often helps him on his missions. She drives the Scooter. * Eco (voiced by Bill Kopp) is the farmer on the moon who works in the Eco dome growing plants and raising the animals. Eco loves to collect rocks and plants to study and help Jim. He doesn't often go on missions because he is too busy farming in the Eco dome. He usually drives the Hopper. * TED (Technical Equipment Device, voiced by John Davie) is another robot. Unlike Rover, TED is a humanoid robot. He is the clumsiest on the moon and usually having his clumsiness creating simple slapstick comedy. He is somewhat paranoid, being afraid of lots of things that are non-existent. However, he is quite smart and sometimes solves the problem in the story. TED represents a child and essentially, the show's target audience. * Pixel (voiced by Jennifer Hale) is the computer that helps Jim and his friends find things on the lunar surface and tells them their jobs for the day. * Daisy is a cow. Lunar Jim and his team get their milk from Daisy. * Delores is a chicken. She provides eggs for the team. * Skye is a young space cadet who comes to Moonaluna for "hands-on" training. * Yik Yak is an alien who speaks in rhyme. He visits Jim and his friends often, but his visits usually result in some sort of unintentional problem. He is a turtle like alien apart from that he is blue/turquoise. * Zippity is a space mailman who sounds like a robot but is never described as such. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Lunar Jim」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク